Cheryl and Dudley's Sailbatical Adventure

Monthly Archives: November 2015

We Took a Real Vacation Day (Day 25)

We Took a Real Vacation Day (Day 25)

On Day 25, we took a real vacation day. Now I can only guess what you are thinking. This whole experience is a vacation, right? Well before you continue that line of thinking, perhaps give some thought to some of your own vacations. Ever had a vacation that felt like lots of work leading up… Continue Reading

Shore Leave is Sure Good (Days 23-24)

Initially, we anticipated a 3-day shore leave due to heavy rains and winds the day after arriving Wrightsville Beach. So while staying on land with friends Gail and Ron, we took the opportunity to hire a local mechanic to tend to some engine cooling issues on the boat. The mechanics began on Monday while I… Continue Reading

From Pea Soup to Sand Between the Toes (Day 20)

We left early this morning at 0645 due to weather predictions and tide tables. What we didn’t anticipate was the fog. Fortunately, we had just finished navigating around one of the ICW’s more notorious “trouble spots” of frequent shoaling when the pea soup rolled in. A few minutes later leaving that anchorage and it might… Continue Reading

Friendships at Sea (Day 19)

When we began planning this adventure, sailing friends told us that the best part of the journey would be the friends we’d make along the way. And they were so right. As we started our engines to depart Morehead City, we were passed and hailed by “Hit it with a Hammer” Tyler on S/V Resurgam… Continue Reading

When Dinner Exceeds Expectations (Day 15)

After hitting our starter with a hammer, we made it to Belhaven Waterway Marina without difficulty. After docking, we walked the town of Belhaven which took all of five minutes. But Ace Hardware took a whole hour to tour. What an eclectic store! The first three aisles had wine, fine wedding gifts, and ice cream.… Continue Reading

Hit it with a Hammer (Day 14)

On the morning of Halloween, we left Elizabeth City at 7:50 am. We thought our friends were way ahead of us as we began our journey down the Alligator River-Pungo Canal. The canal is quite narrow and sailboats are slow, so powerboats can pass us like we are standing still. Most are courteous, and give… Continue Reading

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Cheryl Duvall and Dudley Whitney

3 Church Circle, Unit #138

Annapolis, MD 21401

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